Sunlit DesignsSunlit Designs
Sunlit DesignsSunlit Designs



Sunlit Designs promotes sustainability by creating thoughtful designs that work with the natural systems on a site to minimize site disturbance and restore a natural balance on developed properties.  The following is a short list of some of the ways we strive to make a difference:

Local Materials
We use local materials to minimize shipping related costs & impacts whenever possible to lower your job’s carbon foot print.  Supporting local companies also improves the local economy.

Recycled Materials
Our firm uses recycled materials whenever possible some typical examples are: recycled concrete for road base or pavers, recycled steel in site furniture or railings, asphalt, compost, mulches or fertilizer.

Water Quality
Our firm promotes improved water quality through the use of bio-swales, bio-retention, rain gardens, green roofs, grey water re-use, wetland filters and reduction of impervious hardscape areas where possible through the use of permeable pavers or other permeable surfaces.  Sunlit Designs specifies only organic fertilizers, and promotes the use of natural pest and weed control.

Water Use Reduction
We design water efficient irrigation systems, some systems utilize controllers that tie into local weather stations and adjust water applied by plant need, eliminating overwatering which can hurt plant health and save the client money year after year.  Our firm is familiar with the latest available irrigation equipment and we specify the most efficient equipment to maximize your irrigation system performance.  The use of native plant materials or xeric plant materials can also lower water use and potentially eliminate the need for permanent irrigation.

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